Saturday, February 28, 2009


Here is a quick update on Dale, he is out of the hospital, he is healing ok but I am sad to say that it does not look like it has changed him much, I dont think he realizes just how lucky he is. Maybe he will wake up one day and realize he was saved for a reason.

I do have a litte request, our family could use some prayer right now, I am not going to go into all the details but here is a bit of what is going on.
For starters, I am applying for a job next week, I am so nervous I have not worked except for Ricky in so long. I am applying at the Villages Hospital as a CNA, I know it wont be the best job ever but we really need the money right now. I am hoping to get on working a couple of nights a week, I am choosing nights so that I can finish homeschooling the kids, at least finish out the rest of this year. Also my dad is still having some health issues, he had a cat scan done and they have found a cyst that they are doing some more testing on. Seems like the past year has just been a major roller coaster with his health, one thing has really led into something else and something else and something else, you get the picture. Keep our business in your prayers also, it is so slow right now it is really scary.

I appreciate everyone's thoughts and prayers and I am thankful to have friends that I can share this with.

Better get to bed it is homecoming at church tomorrow.YUMMY.LOL

Saturday, February 21, 2009

It's amazing how fast your life can change.

I cant believe it has been this long since I have been on here. So much has been going on. It is amazing how fast your life can change. Ricky's step brother Dale was involved in a really bad car accident this past Monday, after going air born 120 feet, ripping the roof of his car off on a power pole, being ejected and then walking 1/4 of a mile and being clipped by a car he is still with us. He ended up with a broke back,ribs and shoulder blade, both lungs were collapsed and his liver and bladder were damaged he also had a head injury.He has alot of healing ahead of him but all in all it looks like he will be ok. Please keep him in your prayers though, we did find out that he has developed a staff infection in his throat, we are hoping this does not hinder his healing. But more important then anything else we are praying that this has been a huge wake up call for Dale and we hope he will get his life straightened out after all this. It really is amazing how quickly things can change.
Thanks for your prayers for this and I will write more later on.