Saturday, February 28, 2009


Here is a quick update on Dale, he is out of the hospital, he is healing ok but I am sad to say that it does not look like it has changed him much, I dont think he realizes just how lucky he is. Maybe he will wake up one day and realize he was saved for a reason.

I do have a litte request, our family could use some prayer right now, I am not going to go into all the details but here is a bit of what is going on.
For starters, I am applying for a job next week, I am so nervous I have not worked except for Ricky in so long. I am applying at the Villages Hospital as a CNA, I know it wont be the best job ever but we really need the money right now. I am hoping to get on working a couple of nights a week, I am choosing nights so that I can finish homeschooling the kids, at least finish out the rest of this year. Also my dad is still having some health issues, he had a cat scan done and they have found a cyst that they are doing some more testing on. Seems like the past year has just been a major roller coaster with his health, one thing has really led into something else and something else and something else, you get the picture. Keep our business in your prayers also, it is so slow right now it is really scary.

I appreciate everyone's thoughts and prayers and I am thankful to have friends that I can share this with.

Better get to bed it is homecoming at church tomorrow.YUMMY.LOL

Saturday, February 21, 2009

It's amazing how fast your life can change.

I cant believe it has been this long since I have been on here. So much has been going on. It is amazing how fast your life can change. Ricky's step brother Dale was involved in a really bad car accident this past Monday, after going air born 120 feet, ripping the roof of his car off on a power pole, being ejected and then walking 1/4 of a mile and being clipped by a car he is still with us. He ended up with a broke back,ribs and shoulder blade, both lungs were collapsed and his liver and bladder were damaged he also had a head injury.He has alot of healing ahead of him but all in all it looks like he will be ok. Please keep him in your prayers though, we did find out that he has developed a staff infection in his throat, we are hoping this does not hinder his healing. But more important then anything else we are praying that this has been a huge wake up call for Dale and we hope he will get his life straightened out after all this. It really is amazing how quickly things can change.
Thanks for your prayers for this and I will write more later on.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I have to tell you all how happy I am tonight. I am actually happy for many reasons.
First of all I am so happy that so many people have volunteered their time to help make meals for Wes, Hannah and Addie, that leads me to something else I am happy for. I am happy the McClain twins are at home. I know how much of a blessing that is for Wes and Hannah, they can start to get some normalcy back in their lives.
I am also happy that I get to be a stay at home mom and teach my kids, even though we started late and are a bit behind everyone else, I still enjoy it. I am a bit upset about the fact that they will be back in school next year due to the fact that I will be going back to work. It will be my first time working(except for at our own business) since Rylee was born so it will be a change for us for sure.
I am also happy because I have such great friends. I know that God has placed each of them in my life for different reasons and I love them all.
I am also happy that ball season is coming up, I love all the craziness that is involved with it and this year I am happy to say that Ricky is the president of the league so do you know what that makes me? That makes me the first
On that note I am going to go for now.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Those Precious Babies

I just have to brag a little bit. Ricky and I got to go see Hannah and Wes last night(finally) and got to see the babies.
Wes and Hannah looked tired but seemed to be doing good, I think that now that they are in Orlando it is a bit of a relief for them.
We met up with them at the hotel and then followed them to the hospital, the twins had just recently been moved to their own private room. Wes and Hannah were gracious enough to let me go back and see the babies, I felt honored that they would share that time with me. John had just filled his diaper so Hannah got to change one heck of a poopy diaper and Wes was on cloud nine because three times in a row Whitney fussed and reached in and touched her and talked to her and instead of getting over stimulated like before she calmed right back down and went to sleep, you could see the joy in his eyes.
The babies look so good, they are a little small looking but look healthy to me. I was really impressed with how well they looked.
I am so happy for Wes and Hannah and have told them to put my name on the list for the rocking
Thanks again Wes and Hannah for sharing your precious babies with me, I am so happy for you guys.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Baby it's cold outside.

I have to say that I love the cold weather, it is not very often that we actually get to wear winter clothes, I just wish I had a warm jacket because it is going to be darn cold tomorrow morning.
I have to share my little man's news, he went hunting with his daddy today, yes I know he was supposed to be doing school work but he doubled up yesterday so that he could go today, bless his little heart he sat back there until 5 last night doing school work just to be able to go hunting. Ok so they went this morning and came back with one, Ty was on cloud nine, he did not get to shoot it but he was the one that spotted it and showed it to his daddy, they had some real bonding time this morning, I am so happy for that.
I have had the pleasure of keeping Hunter the past two days for Janet and I have to say, I had forgotten how to do things with a little one on my hip, going pee at Target today was almost a real challenge until I decided to just push buggy and all into the I have really enjoyed having him here, he is such a good baby and so sweet and could he look anymore like Gus, gosh.
I am looking forward to heading to Orlando tonight and visiting with Hannah and Wes and meeting the twins.
Later Gators

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Ricky

Well today is Ricky's Birthday, Happy Birthday Ricky.
I wish that I could say that it was a better one for him, he went to the dentist today and did not get the best news, he found out that next Thursday he has to go in and have a wisdom tooth pulled and that he has a couple others they have to look at. Going to the dentist is never fun especially when you get bad news.ugh
I would like to ask for some prayers, my dad is not doing well. Here is the short version of it for those of you that dont know the details. Back in March he had a heart attack, that led to him havng a pace maker put in, he had a hard time getting used to that and then in October he had some major dental work done and is still trying to get used to his new teeth. He has lost alot of weight and weighs less now then he did when he was in highschool. The drs are worried about the weight loss and want him to have alot of testing done. I am a major daddy's girl so I dont handle him having problems very well. So with all that being said I would really appreciate your prayers.
Ok gotta go, we are heading to Ricky's moms house for some dinner to celebrate his Birthday.
Later Gator's

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Ok I am with Heather on her last blog, I am so lost and getting a bit frustrated. How in the heck do I get my friends names on my page and how do I know if you are my friends, ok I know who my friends are but how do I know who you are on here. I think I am liking myspace alot better, help.
I also want a cute little page like you guys have.
I am not real smart at all this computer crap so help. Please.

Great Family Day

Wow, I think I am getting the hang of this, still not real sure on how to get friends on here but I am trying.
I have to tell you about my day yesterday. Things have been really crazy around here lately, between the stress of my dad's health, the business being so slow and trying to teach my munchkins we have been well crazy. Yesterday we ran a few errands and around 2 Ricky says lets have a family day, so he loaded us all up and took us to G-ville to spend the day. It was great, we got up there and he took us to the field, we passed some buses as we were trying to find a parking place and low and behold it was the players coming in from Miami(Gators #1 Woo Hoo) so we finally found a parking place and made it around to where the buses were and the players had already unloaded, I think Rylee was more upset then the rest of us, she loves her some Tebow. Well the field was unlocked so we were able to walk down to it and let the kids see it, then we left there and went and did some shopping at my fav store the Goodwill, got some dinner and made it home around 10 last night.
It really was a fun day, Ty said coming home(half asleep of course) that, that was the best day he had, had in a long time. Wow the little things that they appreciate.
Okay enough of that, just thought I would share a bit about our day.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Once again

Ok, I am trying this once again, Hannah keeps telling me that I can do it so I am trying, I guess that I am just to hooked and familiar with myspace, that and I dont handle change very well.
Our family had a great Christmas and are blessed to be in the new year. My new years resolution this year was to get more organized and to be more patient. I have been doing great with the organizing but the patience thing just isnt happening as
The kids have been doing pretty good with school, Ty seems to be doing alot better since taking some time off for the Holiday's. Rylee is doing ok, I just really dont like her curriculum that I ordered.
Ok I guess that is all for now, now I have to try and figure out how to get this on my page or whatever you call it and try to get some updated pictures on here.
later gators.
Before I forget: GO GATORS!!!!!!!