Saturday, January 10, 2009

Great Family Day

Wow, I think I am getting the hang of this, still not real sure on how to get friends on here but I am trying.
I have to tell you about my day yesterday. Things have been really crazy around here lately, between the stress of my dad's health, the business being so slow and trying to teach my munchkins we have been well crazy. Yesterday we ran a few errands and around 2 Ricky says lets have a family day, so he loaded us all up and took us to G-ville to spend the day. It was great, we got up there and he took us to the field, we passed some buses as we were trying to find a parking place and low and behold it was the players coming in from Miami(Gators #1 Woo Hoo) so we finally found a parking place and made it around to where the buses were and the players had already unloaded, I think Rylee was more upset then the rest of us, she loves her some Tebow. Well the field was unlocked so we were able to walk down to it and let the kids see it, then we left there and went and did some shopping at my fav store the Goodwill, got some dinner and made it home around 10 last night.
It really was a fun day, Ty said coming home(half asleep of course) that, that was the best day he had, had in a long time. Wow the little things that they appreciate.
Okay enough of that, just thought I would share a bit about our day.

1 comment:

Janet said...

Sounds like a really fun day - I can see the benefits of homeschooling and running your own business!